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Trends, techniques, and tools are changing continuously due to the dynamic environment of the IT field. Successful trends and tools are flexible enough to adopt the new changes. That’s why they are proven long-lasting. A rigid or less flexible tool or trend cannot be useful in the long term. Same as if organizations became rigid, then they could face heavy losses. That’s why a dynamic approach is more important to gain more space in the field.
Like other fields, trends and techniques are also changing in the ITSM field. There are many trends in ITSM, and they are changing continuously. It is important in this regard to find a single ITSM approach that can deal with all trends and is flexible enough to adopt new changes. The solution to this problem is VeriSM. VeriSM is an ITSM approach initiated to give organizations a better choice. In this article, we briefly study what VeriSM is and what its features and purposes are.
VeriSM was introduced in 2017 by the International Foundation for Digital Competences (IFDC). The purpose of VeriSM is to encounter the dynamic changing environment in the digital landscape. According to VeriSM global;
“VeriSM is a service management approach for the digital age that helps service providers to create a flexible operating model to meet desired business outcomes. VeriSM supports organizations to succeed in the world of digital services, using all organizational capabilities, from IT to Marketing and Finance to Customer Service, in order to deliver value.”
It is more difficult for organizations to stay up-to-date in the current dynamic scenario. It helps you to choose suitable trends, tools, and frameworks for your organization. In other words, VeriSM helps you to stay up-to-date. According to Gunnar Oldenhof;
“VeriSM is an approach to service management that helps you choose which frameworks and methods work best for your organization.”
Founders of VeriSM highlight that the word ‘VeriSM’ means an ‘artistic preference.’ It is above other ITSM frameworks because it could apply service management to all types of business units. Due to this, every part of an organization could be digitized and deliver its own services. VeriSM helps organizations develop a flexible operating model to fulfill their requirements.
It is more important for organizations to stay updated in today’s modern technological period. In this sense, it is more beneficial for organizations. There are various benefits of VeriSM for organizations. Some of these benefits are as follows;
The importance of VeriSM is increasing since organizations realize the importance of staying up-to-date. The need to be more digitized attracts organizations toward VeriSM. Its essence is continuously growing in direct proportion with digital transformation. Moreover, its unique concepts like management mesh and dealing with organizations as service providers cause an increase in its significance. It seems to gain ample space in the service management field in the future due to its uniqueness and reliability.
After getting knowledge about the basic concepts, benefits, and importance of VeriSM, the question arises of how we could implement it in our ITSM. To answer this question, we have given a list of the steps you should take to apply VeriSM.
Management mesh is the core of VeriSM. According to VeriSM, every organizational department should have its own service management principles according to their strategic importance. It stated that each department could make its own management mesh according to the customers’ requirements and feedback.VeriSM provides a systematic approach to implementing this process. It provides the following steps in this regard.
The first step is to define what are the requirements of the customer. When you realize the customer’s requirements, you should find a solution. After getting an appropriate solution, you will get a service blueprint or management mesh. This blueprint or management mesh is the base to run the next stages.
The second step includes activities that are mentioned in the service blueprint or management mesh to meet the customer’s requirements. It would be best if you took care of many things during this step, like financial matters, security, or existing service rules. This step also covers service management requirements, for example, getting some software for service management.
This step involves a comparison between the existing service management method and the newly originated method. This comparison identifies the difference between the two. Besides comparison, it also involves the implementation of the newly produced management mesh.
The fourth step includes the issues and requests from the customers. VeriSM demands a rapid and effective response in this step. To respond quickly and effectively, a service management team of an organization must be equipped with the right and useful methodologies, techniques, and tools. After getting a response from the customer, this whole process could be followed again.
Through this overview, we learned that VeriSM is an ITSM approach that provides a guideline to organizations on how they could improve their service management. Due to its unique and reliable concepts like management mesh and the concept of taking organizations as service providers, it could be differentiated from other frameworks or approaches. It is unique, but we cannot say it is a replacement for the other approaches and frameworks. It is because, unlike other frameworks like ITIL, VeriSM did not provide complete step-by-step guidelines but defined some ideal principles and steps that all organizations should take.
VeriSM is gaining more importance and space in service management due to its dynamic nature. It includes the concept of different ruled service management by various departments of an organization according to their strategic objectives. It states that organizations should deliver service management according to customer requirements. These unique concepts could make more space for VeriSM in the future.
Read More: IT Service Management