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ITSM is the abbreviation of Information technology service management. As reflected in its name, it manages IT-related services. It contains the concept of delivering IT like a service. Being IT service management, technology is an integral part of it but not a primary and fundamental part. ITSM was initially founded to tackle IT support, but with the passage of time, it increased its roots in some non-IT business fields also and made IT a strategic partner of the business. In this article, we will overview the practical battlefield of ITSM, the processes of ITSM. We will briefly overview the processes of ITSM.
ITSM processes are the real fields in which they could help you to manage services. As we mentioned before, ITSM is increasing its roots in non-IT fields also. It means besides all IT-relevant fields, it can also manage many non-IT processes also. In this way, it could help organizations by running a large number of processes. Some of these main processes are as follows.
Change management is a most important process which can benefit you more but could cause disastrous results in some specific conditions. It refers to the process of changes in an organization. It is important and beneficial for an organization to bring new changes according to the continuously changing requirements of the market. It could be beneficial only if the change process is well-planned and calculated. If not, then it could have disastrous results instead of benefits.
ITSM provides a complete mechanism to run the change management process. It offers risk-free changes to organizations. Its complete mechanism provides definite responsibilities, roles, steps, goals, and preconditions, which make the change management process easier, beneficial, predictable, and risk-free.
Incident management refers to the solutions to the incidents that are faced by an organization in its daily routine business. It includes customer support or employee support. ITSM helps an organization with incident management without affecting its other business functions.
Problems are the root cause of the incidents. An organization could not be succeeded in eliminating a series of incidents until the actual problem was solved. To solve a problem, you have to identify it first. ITSM could better run the process of problem management. It could identify not only the problem but also find a rapid solution for that problem.
ITSM also includes the process of request management. This process includes requests from customers and employees. Organizations receive hundreds of requests every day, so it isn’t easy to deal with all of them equally. ITSM makes this process easier through an automatic system of request management.
ITSM helps an organization improve and maintain a level of service to its clients and employees. It is also helpful to reach service-level agreements. A software solution enriched with some ITSM framework could be more helpful in this regard.
Configuration management is a process through which an organization can track all the configuration items in an IT system. The ITSM is helpful in the process of configuration management.
Workflow management refers to removing hurdles and gaps from the work process. ITSM manages workflow and drives a more smooth workflow. It divides work processes into different stages and steps. This division caused a gapless workflow process.
Improvement management refers to the desire of an organization to remain up-to-date. Due to the market’s changing environment, an organization must search for new updates, changes, or improvements. ITSM could manage this process in an easier and better way.
Project management refers to the management of all aspects of a project. It includes different things like task assigning, time tracking, performance monitoring, or divisions of staff in teams to accomplish the project. Through ITSM, all these processes could be managed easily and timely.
Through the process of capacity management, ITSM helps organizations to make plans according to their capacity. Capacity refers to different things like the workforce, financial matters, etc. So, ITSM helps organizations not to make capacity plans.
Knowledge management is a process through which ITSM helps organizations to avoid duplicate work. It provides a record of which products and services are present and which are required.
Through this article, we learned that ITSM is not just an IT support, but it also has its roots in other fields, even in some non-IT fields. Through ITSM, an organization could run its daily routine processes in a more efficient way. These processes cannot be run directly through ITSM, but they could be managed through some cloud solution that is enriched by some efficient ITSM framework.
You can also use more than one software to manage all the above-mentioned processes, but it’s better to choose one best software instead of multiple. Many software with advanced technologies has the capability to manage all above-mentioned processes. For example, TIKTING has the capability to manage all these processes.